Animal & Wildlife

As an animal lover, it's heartbreaking to hear about pets in distress or species at risk. That's why our amazing animal charities are dedicated to protecting and enhancing the lives of neglected and endangered animals every day. With easyfundraising, you can effortlessly support one of the numerous animal charities registered with us. All you need to do is sign up using the buttons below and shop online as usual. The retailer will then make a donation on your behalf, without any additional cost to you.

Support a good cause

Fundraising for Animal & Wildlife causes

Fundraising for animal and wildlife charities is essential to protect endangered species, conserve habitats, and promote animal welfare. It enables crucial research, conservation initiatives, and public awareness campaigns to safeguard our natural world.

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Make every day magic in 4 steps


Sign up

It’s quick and easy, it’ll only take you 2 minutes. Over 2 million people have signed up to easyfundraising


Choose your favourite charity

You can find any cause you like!


Shop online as usual

We will pop up when a brand online offers a donation.


Ask the brand to raise a donation

Once your purchase online is completed, the brand will donate on your behalf.