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About Momondo UK
Raise money for a charity of your choice when you compare prices on holidays, flights, hotels and car hire online with Momondo UK
Momondo UK isn't an online travel agency, it’s something much more useful. Momondo UK is a travel search and comparison site that helps you find and compare the best deals on flights, hotel rooms, car rentals and package holidays. It’s free to use too. Momondo UK never charges any fees, and you can rely on it to impartially show you the lowest travel prices that can be found online.
Register with easyfundraising before you use Momondo UK, and they’ll donate to a charity of your choice.
How does using easyfundraising work?
Shopping online with easyfundraising works like this:
- Register with us to create your easyfundraising account, then pick which charitable cause you want to support.
- Visit Momondo UK, by clicking on the links on our site or app.
- When you make a booking that you found through Momondo, they receive a commission. They will donate part of this to charity on your behalf.
Use Momondo UK to find the lowest prices online for holidays, flights, hotels and more
Momondo wants everyone to be able to travel the world. That’s why they’re committed to finding you the best deals on the holidays you’re looking to book.
At first glance, you’d be forgiven for thinking Momondo UK is an online travel agency. But that’s not the case. Momondo is a global travel comparison site where you can search and compare prices on flights, hotels, car rental and package holidays.
Momondo UK doesn't sell you the tickets and the hotel rooms directly, they give you an overview of your available travel options, with the latest prices, so you choose the deals you most prefer. Click on the ones you want to be taken directly to the site where you can make your booking.
Find flights to destinations around the world, compare hotel rooms in hundreds of cities and resorts, add car hire, or find bargains on full package holidays. Whether you’re planning a city break in Barcelona, a beach holiday in Thailand, or a foodie adventure in Tokyo, head to Momondo UK to find the lowest prices offered online.
As a company committed to finding you the best travel deals, you can have faith in Momondo UK that they’re showing you the lowest prices possible. It is free to use, there are no booking fees or hidden charges, and Momondo UK won’t use cookies to inflate the prices.
Momondo UK is paid a commission when you click through to a site and book a flight, hotel stay, car hire or a holiday. If you sign up with easyfundraising before you use Momondo UK, Momondo will donate a part of their commission to a charity of your choosing, on your behalf.
Why join easyfundraising?
Shop online with easyfundraising as:
- With easyfundraising, you can donate to charity without the hassle and without the cost.
- You’ll likely shop with many of our partner retailers already. There are more than 7,500 of them selling everything from fashion to groceries and from gadgets to holidays.
- You can choose from more than 190,000 charities and good causes to donate to. You’ll see local community groups and sports clubs, international charities, national organisations, and plenty more. Just take your pick!
Frequently asked questions
How much money will I earn for charity when I use Momondo UK?
You can see all the details on this page of every donation we have available with Momondo UK. It will either be a flat fee or a percentage of the commission they earn.
How do I shop online with easyfundraising?
Shopping with us is quick and simple. Begin by registering with us to create your easyfundraising account (it takes minutes) and then choose a charitable cause to donate to. Shop online with one of our partner retailers and then let them and us handle the donation on your behalf. It really is as easy as that.